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Advantages of our Services

Do you have trouble translating your project to a mediator who has little or no understanding of the Information Technology, Intellectual Property or Telecommunications issues involved?

Technology Arbitrators, Expert Determiners and Mediators offers mediation services solely in relation to those disputes. This provides you with with highly skilled and cost effective mediation services in those areas.

The firm's principal, Mr Steve White, holds both legal and Computer Science qualifications and is a Fellow of the Australian Computer Society.

He has worked in the information technology industry for over 20 years.

Mr White is a listed/graded/accredited mediator on the following mediation/arbitration panels.

  • Law Society of New South Wales Mediator's panel
  • Law Institute of Victoria Mediator's panel
  • WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center Mediation panel
  • Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators Mediation Panel
  • Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators Domain Name Dispute Panel
  • LEADR Domain Name Dispute Panel
  • LEADR Mediation panel

Please note that the use of analytical techniques by our Steve White and his excellent subject knowledge is supported by the recent ABA report which found that

  • a substantial majority of lawyers who are repeat mediation users (again, in the arena of civil cases where parties are represented) favor the use of analytical techniques; and
  • As the field continues to grow, one of the trends is likely to be increasing specialization on the part of mediators.

Click here to see Mr White's résumé

Click here if you are interested in our arbitration services

  © White SW Computer Law 1994-2019. ABN 94 669 684 644. All Rights Reserved.
  Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation
  This website is a guide only and should not be used as a substitute for proper legal advice.
  Readers should make their own enquiries and seek appropriate legal advice.
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