Melbourne Office - PO Box 452, COLLINS STREET WEST VIC 8007 AUSTRALIA
Sydney Office - GPO Box 2506, SYDNEY NSW 2001 AUSTRALIA
Telephone: Melbourne Office - +61 3 9629 3709 Sydney Office - +61 2 9233 2600
Facsimile: Melbourne Office - +61 3 9629 3217 Sydney Office - +61 2 9233 3044 Internet:

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Fees as at 1 October 2013

Our Steve White's rates are:

Half Day Rate Steve White - AUS5)$2,500 + GST (not exceeding 5 hours)
Full Day Rate Steve White - AUS6)$5,000 + GST (not exceeding 10 hours)

Our Sarah Pike's rates are:

Half Day Rate Sarah Pike - AUS11)$1,250 + GST (not exceeding 5 hours)
Full Day Rate Sarah Pike - AUS12)$2,500 + GST (not exceeding 10 hours)
Travel We do not charge travelling time, airfares or accommodation for mediations held in any of the cities listed below.13)
Australia New Zealand Argentina Chile China England Fiji Germany Indonesia Japan Philippines Singapore South Africa South Korea Tahiti Thailand USA Vanuatu Vietnam
Buenos Aires Santiago Hong Kong
London Nadi Frankfurt Denpasar
Manila Singapore Johannesburg Seoul Papeete Bangkok Dallas Fort Worth
Los Angeles
New York
Port Villa Ho Chi Minh City

Fixed Packaged Costs

Some clients prefer to purchase our services in fixed packages to assist in getting approval to mediate.

Some of these packages include:

1/2 day Agreed exchange of papers (or pleadings and supporting documentation) and formalities by correspondence, no review of same by our mediators and one or more telephone conference(s) not to exceed a half day in total
1 day Agreed exchange of papers (or pleadings and supporting documentation) and formalities by correspondence, review of same by our mediators and a face to face mediation not to exceed a half day
2 days A preliminary telephone conference, followed by agreed exchange of papers and papers in reply, our review of supplied materials any necessary follow up correspondence for more information14), individual meetings with the mediator 15) and a face to face mediation not to exceed 1 day

Ordinarily our fees are paid in each portions by each party (eg. two parties - each pay 1/2 each, three parties - each pay 1/3 each).

Most people choose the 2 day package as it provides a much better chance of settling complicated disputes by better understanding of the dispute.

For mediations in Sydney we use and recommend at $500+GST for the facility.

1) , 7) The fees are fixed upon commencement of the mediation and shall not be increased for the duration of the mediation.
2) , 8) Unless expressly stated otherwise, the fees are exclusive of all taxes, duties, fees or other government levies or charges, including without limitation any GST, stamp duty or otherwise, which may be imposed on or in respect of the fees or the services provided.
Such taxes, duties, fees or other government charges shall to the extent permissible by law be paid by disputing parties.
3) , 9) Ordinarily, the parties pay the fees in equal amounts.
4) , 10) No liability for fees is incurred unless agreed in writing.
5) , 6) , 11) , 12) Fixed US$ rates available if required
13) Business Class Airfares and accommodation apply for other cities.
14) , 15) if necessary

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